17 Jan 2022

Every day is a gift, why not work towards making it a masterpiece. To work magnificently well, it takes little habits practiced persistently to take you forward each day. The most impactful seven habits that align your journey are: ● Be True To Yourself ● Help Others ● Make Each Day Count ● Drink Deep From Good Books ● Make Friendship A Fine Art ● Build A Shelter Agains...

15 Nov 2021

The greatest effort you credit to your success is time. There are lots of proverbs regarding time and we keep on the track that how to manage our time and even we spend a lot of time reading an article on time management and after learning we will do the same fault. No more frustrations, there are few things to come over to be great time manager. 1. Smart phones The smart phones en...

15 Nov 2021

For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. There are several ways in which teamwork is important and vital to the success of the company and to the development of each employee. The fundamentals of team work are exquisitely enlightened in the book Gung Ho! by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles. Gung Ho! process has been used by organizations around the world, and was recognized i...

15 Nov 2021

Reflective listening is a type of active listening where the listener seeks to understand and ‘Reflect’ what the speaker is saying by repeating or paraphrasing what was said. Reflection has to be accurate either in verbal or non-verbal cues. The reflective listening captures and empathize the speaker and also benefits to bind a rapport with the receiver. The key to reflective listening i...

15 Nov 2021

The non-verbal communications deliver the message by suppressing the verbal communications. The emotional words cannot speak out are expressed through non-verbal communications. The key factors delivering non-verbal communications are facial expressions, postures, gestures, eye contact, touch and space. For example, if a person asking questions which you think not appropriate for the sit...

15 Nov 2021

Rapport is a relation of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between the people; it also means making a connection or establishing a relationship. To open the doors for success, create a sense of trust and understanding with the people you meet despite your industry and position. Rapport is not only the tool for building relationships; it’s often the basis for achieving success. ...

15 Nov 2021

Empathy is the skill of active listening, it is the identification and understanding of another person’s situation, feelings, motives and approaching an interaction with an open mind. Empathy comes with a sense of responsibility. It may be a sense of responsibility towards the person, both internally and externally. A’s – Acknowledge, Appreciate, Affirm, Assure ACKNOWLEDGE : Acknow...

15 Nov 2021

We Humans adapt ourselves to any situation, but sometimes, we need a small push. We learn quickly, picking up skills with ease, constantly investigating boundaries and finding new ways to push them. But the flipside? We can just as easily find ourselves growing bored and settling into complacency as the novelty of what was once new wears off. This becomes a problem when we love what we a...

15 Nov 2021

Composure is a state of being calm and tranquil during pressure-packed moments. In a normal state, the composure of a person is rather charming, behaves inspiring and work highly efficient; however, the composure becomes drastically difficult to handle when the same person is at the peak of pressure. Maintaining composure is sometimes as easy as counting the candies in a jar and sometime...

15 Nov 2021

Situations which require creative thinking are often problems for which there is more than one solution. Creative thinking is a process of breaking down and streamlining our understanding about something in order to gain new insights. Creativity is the ability to go beyond the routine and obvious, and reject the traps of repetition. This was precisely the focus of the leadership program ...