11 May 2024

The Attachment Abandonment Pendulum
Age-old wisdom tells us that attachment is the root of all miseries. Additionally, when we are attached to something, our perception gets affected and clarity gets lost.Not a very useful thing to carry at work. As an experiment, investigate and surprise yourself with the things that you are attached to. The usual suspects may range from your name, title, company, possessions, ideas, r...

11 May 2024

There is only NEWS no good or bad news
A fearful Shifu approaches his master in Kungfu Panda, saying he has ‘bad news’. His master responds with deep wisdom, ‘Shifu, there is only news, there is no good or bad news’! Events are powerless and lifeless; it is the way we interpret them that gives them life. Good and Bad are ‘perceptions’ that we create! The moment we divorce judging events and happenings as good or bad,...

17 Mar 2022

Bringing new changes in any organization can unleash a very tough time, mainly for the one who decided to do so. The problems discussed so far might just be the tip of an iceberg for the decision-making members of any company. Where the game is all about watching details, it can teach an organization some things that’ll be beneficial for it in the long run. Let us now have a sneak-peek i...

10 Mar 2022

An organization is nothing without its leader, especially the one who is the bedrock of its decisions. The leader’s course of action determines the future of a company, as he or she is indeed, a facet or an ambassador of the goods or services the company might provide, and being a leader can come at the cost of sacrificing your entire self for the brand image, here are a few essentials t...

17 Feb 2022

A conversation about values always leaves one empathetic, inspired, with lots of experience and reflections as well. The reflection of a person’s qualities is a look-alike of our own. We tend to relate, trying to find more similarities and more often, gain a sense of reassurance from that particular person about having an understanding of what we’ve gone through. This reassurance comes i...

26 Jan 2022

The most crucial issues faced by any organization in the current times through this crisis are caring for and inspiring employees, embracing purpose, and improving effectiveness. All these come down to just one simple thing - Leadership. The following points related to leadership have made our leaders even more effective especially since the pandemic started. Collectively, they summar...

17 Jan 2022

As we are moving ahead strategizing and building more leaders, we came across the top three topics people wanted to address in 2022. The top three most important topics were coaching, leading teams, and change management. All three topics need to be addressed very closely and imply the importance of leaders working side by side with people and achieving their goals. Coaching Ma...

01 Jan 2022

Trust in the workplace is of paramount importance. It ensures team collaboration, productivity, and smooth execution of tasks in the organization. When considering the relationship between managers and employees, the whole relationship can be summed up in just one question, do you trust your leader? There are multiple reasons why building trust is important among employees. 1) Trust h...

13 Dec 2021

Delegation & Abdication
We are often advised that delegation helps us create more leaders in the group and we can conveniently free up some of our time to create things strategically. But as things start rolling, we start becoming overwhelmed and frustrated at things that start falling apart. Then the same advice that was supposed to help us begins to harm us. One of the most common ways to handle this situa...

07 Dec 2021

To be a successful leader or a manager, one of the most crucial skills is to aptly manage your leadership techniques. To be specific, each team member has to be approached differently according to their skills and efficiency. Skill can be anything varying from technical, non-technical, or even a certain competence level required. To handle each team member effectively, the below-shared m...