16 May 2024

On reflection decided to invite your competitors to pitch for our business
When we get a statement of this kind from our client, what is the first question that we respond with?"Why?""But why would you do this?"This is quite a poor question to ask because it makes the client justify their decision, drawing out many reasons which were perhaps quite insignificant till now; the why question digs them deeper into their position.A much better question is a ‘How’ or ...

11 May 2024

Where is the Love?
It is normal to get stressed about repetitive actions that barely seem to add value. It is imperative to make efforts to change the situation in whatever way possible, in case that is not happening, then resort to ‘unconditional acceptance’. Unconditional Acceptance emerges from a space of love and power and can completely melt the stress away. Let me give you an example. You drive...