09 May 2024

A day well spent
Honored to take a session on Wellness & Resilience for one of the largest real-estate companies in UAE recently! This team now has a high level of awareness and urgency on the subject and is well equipped with practical tips and techniques to look after their own physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being; additionally, they returned with amazing insights to develop their ...

09 May 2024

Angry Guilty Afraid
In the regular hustle and bustle of our lives, we easily get caught up in the whirlwind of our emotions. Sometimes they hit us like a tidal wave, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and out of control. But what if I told you that these emotions are actually our allies, our guides through the intricate labyrinth of our inner world? Think about it for a moment... When we are angry, guilty...

08 May 2024

Chuck it if it aint worth it
Everything and every person around you are vying and competing for your most valuable resource. No, not your money it’s your time! You can always regenerate money, and largely regain health but you can never get your time back. If you have not already done this, it is crucial for you to apply the Pareto’sPrinciple to your life. What are the 20% of actions that contribute to 8...

08 May 2024

In a world of constant distraction finding moments of peace and clarity can feel like a luxury
In a world of constant distraction, finding moments of peace and clarity can feel like a luxury. Yet, amidst the chaos, there lies a pearl of profound wisdom in simplifying our lives and embracing a lighter way of being. Being light does not merely relate to physical weight. It is about lightening the burden on our minds and spirits. Allowing us to move through life with greater ea...

06 May 2024

Self-mastery - Mastering the Present: Embracing Peace, Power, and Freedom
Your future depends on the choices you are making right now! Choose to relax, choose to be peaceful, choose to be powerful.Relax - move your wrists in a circular motion, move your ankles in a circular motion (3 times - clockwise & anticlockwise); now move your right arm forward and back in a circular way (clockwise), simultaneously, move your left arm forward and back in a circular w...

06 May 2024

humility alone will not help
Johnmaxwell describes the various levels that leaders must go through, graduating from level1 upwards until they eventually evolve into level5 leaders, the highest level in leadership.One distinguishing factor he mentions is that while level 5 leaders have all the ingredients of leaders from levels 1 to 4, they are such natural that they have no arrogance about their achievements. They e...

04 May 2024

Escaping the Tyranny of Busyness: Cultivating True Leadership and Balance
Ever caught yourself trapped in the ‘tyranny of the urgent’ - running from pillar to post, day in and out, completely exhausting yourself?“I am very busy today’, which runs into weeks and then months, and before you know it, the year has passed...‘I have to do everything by myself,’ we hear them complain.‘I don’t have anyone capable of supporting me,’ ‘time flies very fast,’ and worse, ‘...

28 Apr 2024

From Forgetting to Connecting: Embracing Our Name-Recall Journey with Positivity
By the way, I am not very good at remembering people’s names and I think we have all had those moments where we blank out on someone's name. It's like our brain decides to take a coffee break just when we need it the most.And of course, Murphy's Law kicks in, and they not only remember our name but say it with a big smile on their face.While this is embarrassing, as a consolation, I simp...

27 Feb 2024

Great Teams Have Great Themes!
Every musical instrument in an orchestra is crucial in creating a symphony that the composer had envisaged, regardless of how faint or little its contribution. Without that particular instrument, the music would be incomplete and lacking. When google studied outstanding teams globally to understand what makes them great, the last thing that they would have expected is that it all boiled ...

27 Feb 2024

Simplifying Stress: Knowledge is a process of piling up facts
Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification.Simplifying things garners clarity and guarantees success.If I were to attribute 'Stress' to a single word, that that word would be 'Control'. We could all, consciously or unconsciously, be control freaks, however we must be on the right side of the control continuum.Perfectly okay to control your thoughts,...