15 Nov 2021

Creativity in Workspace Quirky and trendy are not words to explain the runway anymore, its applicable to workspaces too. The days of buttoned up suits, serious workspace has gone and is now replaced by fun, youthful setting. Set in unconventional ways to encourage original ideas and innovation, workspaces these days display an energy, they live and breathe and infuse ideas in the mind...

15 Nov 2021

The word Etiquette means “a behavior which is considered as polite in society or among members of a particular profession or group”. And E-mail Etiquette simply means, principles of behavior that one should use when writing or answering e-mail messages. E-mail is something we use every day, probably without thinking too much. It’s one the most important communication tools in this day an...

13 Nov 2021

Communication is a bridge between a person and a group of persons to establish an exchange of thoughts. The people will be more interested to lend ears to you and will form a good team only if the communication is good and empathetic. Communication takes places at three levels i.e., noticing with all senses at the physical level, understanding at the intelligence level and accepting at t...

10 Nov 2021

Lead by example
“Leading by example is more effective than leading by command.” Command and control are no more an effective way to lead anymore. Leading through example is what is the need of the hour and plays a very vital role for us. The best practices to get it done in organization are through: 1) Communication Employee communication is important. It is imperative to balance between business ...

10 Nov 2021

Communication as we all know is the most important and valuable skill of a professional toolkit. Any segment of your professional life can bring you success if you are an influential communicator. There are majorly four important communication principles that help anyone become an effective communicator in their professional life. Clear Identify the key message that you want to ...