08 May 2024

Chuck it if it aint worth it
Everything and every person around you are vying and competing for your most valuable resource. No, not your money it’s your time! You can always regenerate money, and largely regain health but you can never get your time back. If you have not already done this, it is crucial for you to apply the Pareto’sPrinciple to your life. What are the 20% of actions that contribute to 8...

08 May 2024

In a world of constant distraction finding moments of peace and clarity can feel like a luxury
In a world of constant distraction, finding moments of peace and clarity can feel like a luxury. Yet, amidst the chaos, there lies a pearl of profound wisdom in simplifying our lives and embracing a lighter way of being. Being light does not merely relate to physical weight. It is about lightening the burden on our minds and spirits. Allowing us to move through life with greater ea...