27 Feb 2024

Great Teams Have Great Themes!
Every musical instrument in an orchestra is crucial in creating a symphony that the composer had envisaged, regardless of how faint or little its contribution. Without that particular instrument, the music would be incomplete and lacking. When google studied outstanding teams globally to understand what makes them great, the last thing that they would have expected is that it all boiled ...

27 Feb 2024

Simplifying Stress: Knowledge is a process of piling up facts
Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification.Simplifying things garners clarity and guarantees success.If I were to attribute 'Stress' to a single word, that that word would be 'Control'. We could all, consciously or unconsciously, be control freaks, however we must be on the right side of the control continuum.Perfectly okay to control your thoughts,...