15 Nov 2021

“Crucial Leadership Lesson To Learn From Don Benett.” This is a true story of a mountain and a courageous team of climbers, one of which was a 52 years old Don Benett. This incident changed his life forever. The jubilant Don Benett had become the first man to hop to the top of the mountain on one leg. That is 14,410 on one leg and two crutches. “How did you make it to the top?”, Do...

15 Nov 2021

The traits of a leader would make sense after debunking a myth on whether a leader is born or is made. This myth shall be completely removed once we dissect the leadership journey. Self-awareness is step number one for any leader. They have a deep understanding of who they really are, their strengths, limitations, opportunities and threats. They are in touch with the core values and a...

15 Nov 2021

Social capital refers to our network and our network means our ‘Net Worth’. The network is both outsides and within the organization. It defines how effectively you are connected with people from within your company that you are able to draw onto their expertise and help whenever you require and the extent to which you do that defines your social capital. Organizations provide us with...

15 Nov 2021

Leadership is a complete reflection of your management skills, how you develop others, how you polish them, prepare them, and upskill them to move forward. Having said that, the most crucial phase of the leadership cycle is, Being Proactive and Modelling the Way.Now what does being proactive and modelling the way actually mean? For a leader, being proactive is the basic, most important a...

15 Nov 2021

Who is a leader?A leader is someone who directs, visualizes, grows, and succeeds not as an individual but as a team. The five stages guiding you towards the array of leadership are: 1.Position: The Position is a title or certain rights which are advanced to their power to lead. The leader initially starts with a position. Although this is the first step but definitely not the best ...

15 Nov 2021

“Leading by example is more effective than leading by command.” Command and control are no more an effective way to lead anymore. Leading through example is what is the need of the hour and plays a very vital role for us. The best practices to get it done in organization are through: Communication Employee communication is important. It is imperative to balance between business and...

15 Nov 2021

What is authentic leadership? At the core, it is what a leader truly experiences within, who they genuinely are and to what extent are they able to discipline themselves to be terrific. It is from the seat of this authenticity that they are able to naturally infuse zeal and enthusiasm for growth within their organisation thereby achieving terrific results.  Being in your elements...

15 Nov 2021

Emotional Intelligence, as the name suggests, is knowing, understanding, and responding to emotions, overcoming stress in the moment, and being aware of how your words and actions affect others. We do not have a positive mindset all day long. There are moments when we get hyper, or carry stress that we don’t have. It is during those times, that we may unload them on people who do not des...

15 Nov 2021

The Covid -19 pandemic has changed our daily life with habits that we weren’t there before. Even the business climate has changed with many companies searching for different ways to stay relevant in the market and to overcome economic problems. Company leaders are still facing questions on what decisions should be taken and how to remain resilient during these times, now and in the futur...

15 Nov 2021

“I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.” Operational excellence and the emotional intelligence have an equal impact on making a person a 'Path Finder'. Analyze and understand your qualities so as to strengthen them. Brilliant leaders emerge through this process. The development of the leadership brings phenomenal succ...