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Your Mind’s Diet

by admin

USD 125 billion was the estimated health and wellness food market size in 2023, reflecting a substantial investment in sustaining a healthy body. Wonder if we are paying equal attention to healthy food for the mind? An alert, active, and energetic mind that is calm and stable is an asset and must be fed appropriately. It is a no-brainer that thoughts make up the diet of the mind. I am reminded of a fable where the old Cherokee teaches his grandson about life. “Inside all of us are two wolves constantly fighting with each other,” he told the boy. “One is evil, full of lust, anger, greed, attachment, and arrogance.” He continued, “The other is good, filled with peace, love, positivity, truth, and happiness.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked curiously, “Grandpa, which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.” We are served a variety of diets through our phones every moment. Firstly, we must avoid overeating and tame ourselves to consume information only when needed; additionally, we must refrain from junk, i.e. information that may seem exciting but takes away valuable time from performing important activities. The cost of losing valuable opportunities is immense, besides, there are plenty of dis-eases of the mind that creep in due to the consumption of information that is negative. A takeaway – to the extent that we look after our physical diet, let us pay equal attention to our mental diet and enjoy a healthy mind. The key word here is ‘attention’, and that will take care of the rest; where attention goes, energy flows, where energy flows, and life grows.

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