Home Uncategorized THE “PATHFINDER” LEADER


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“I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.”

Operational excellence and the emotional intelligence have an equal impact on making a person a ‘Path Finder‘. Analyze and understand your qualities so as to strengthen them. Brilliant leaders emerge through this process. The development of the leadership brings phenomenal success to an organization as well to all team members.

Tips to become a Path Finder

Great communication at all levels – Get out from your desk regularly and talk to people in the office to get their opinion, not just the thoughts of direct reports and the executive team members.

Clear vision and strategic direction – if you take a decision that needs support from your team then they need to know the reasons behind those decisions. Having a clear vision and being able to communicate that effectively is a key attribute of super leaders.

A true understanding of the leadership team – recognize that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses; understand their capabilities and know when to give them more challenging tasks.

Know what influences success – stay focused on the factors that support achieve goals and know when to move on from failures, don’t get distracted from what is really important for the organization.

Actively reward and recognize good performers – appreciate, motivate and recognize performers at all levels, this will reap benefits of increased productivity organization wide.

Invest in people – know that the biggest asset to any organization is its people (although there is a togh competition . Invest time in getting to know the people in their team and commit to providing them with fulfilling and rewarding work experiences.

Established in the Dubai, Ecube Training has been successfully delivering leadership, management, negotiation skills and soft skills training programs to corporate. It’s training titles include the resilient leader, negotiation skills masterclass, situational leadership, time management, stress management, customer service and sales accelerator program and are conducted across the Middle East, Africa and India including Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait. Every training session is preceded by a training needs analysis and is followed by measurement of training results.

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