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Emirates Flight Catering (EKFC) provides in-flight catering and support services for more than 120 airlines flying into or out of Dubai International Airport and has the capacity to produce over 175,000 meals per day. We @Ecube Training & Consulting conducted a Team Building Program for Emirates flight catering which has staff of almost 57 nationalities and cultures. In spite of diverse backgrounds, it was a pleasure to witness how comfortably the participants engaged and interacted with each other.

We started the program with analyzing characteristics of a good team and the 3 aspects which unanimously stood out were Trust, having a common Vision and Helping each other. As mutually agreed by all participants these 3 factors play an important role in running a successful team.

In the first place why do organizations focus on building effective team? Article from Forbes Business beautifully explains this. “Building companies requires the know-how to build long-lasting teams. This is why most managers never become leaders and why most leaders never reach the highest pinnacle of leadership success. It requires the ability to master the “art of people” and knowing how to maneuver hundreds (if not thousands) of people at the right place and at the right time. It means knowing how each person thinks and how to best utilize their competencies rightly at all times. It’s playing a continuous chess match – knowing that every wrong move that is made can cost the company hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars”

The participants thoroughly enjoyed the engaging workshop and returned empowered to execute the learning’s at work.

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