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The difference between ordinary and extra ordinary is sometimes just about striving to do little more. This was exactly the focus for the Customer Service Program conducted for one for our most reputed clients ESAG. The Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group (ESAG), founded in 1960, by H.E. Easa Saleh Al Gurg, KCVO, CBE, is a multidivisional conglomerate with 23 companies. This program had a heterogeneous group from across different divisions of ESAG.

Today every consumer has several choices for any product or service, there is an abundant variety. Then why is it that still we have our brand loyalties? Brand loyalty occurs when customers become committed to a particular brand. Brand loyalty doesn’t happen by accident. Companies that foster brand loyalty go to great lengths to understand their customers’ needs and meet those needs better than anyone else. Here is one such example:

New York Times best-selling author Steven Levitt wrote an article about how United Airlines turned him into a customer for life in a couple ways. Steven was running late, and unlike other airlines, they actually saved his seat until the last second. On another occasion, United Airlines called him and informed him that his flight was delayed by a few hours, and they saw that he was in the airport. The call went like this: “I see that you’re at the airport and your flight is delayed a few hours. A seat opened up on an earlier flight, so I grabbed it for you in case you wanted it. It leaves in 40 minutes, so you’ll have to hurry.” These two events, Levitt explains, turned him into a life-long customer of United Airlines.

The more value we bring to our customers, better will be the results for us. To sum up the take away from the participants here is a quote from Sam Walton, an American businessman best known for founding the retail chain Wal-Mart “There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” Participants were excited to implement the learnings.

Established in Dubai, Ecube has been successfully delivering leadership, management and softs skills training programmes including time management, stress management, customer service and sales training across the Gulf, particularly UAE, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait.

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