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If there is one ingredient that will make an amazing difference to your company, then that would be having a befitting leadership team. Right leadership garners success, poor leadership invites chaos. Apt leaders are hard to find, for a reason – there are so few of them. Smart organisations understand this hard fact and build systems to develop leaders from within.

Become Their Employer of Choice: Magnetic leaders with an irresistible leadership style are in high demand. They can be fairly selective when deciding whom to work for. Attracting magnetic leaders to your organization will be hard if they have no idea who you are, or the wrong idea about you as an organisation. So, first things first, you need a strong employer brand and that will pull magnetic leaders towards you.

Raise Your Existing Leadership Bar: It’s obvious that great people want to work with other great people, so if you want to attract leaders to your organization, raise the internal leadership bar – you will need to look deeper into yourself, your people and up your game. 

Clear The Deck: Remove leaders who simply occupy space, i.e. they lack competence and attitude. Once you’ve made room in your organization, look to curate a high performing team. Once you’ve been able to recruit/develop a few highly regarded leaders, others will follow. 

Be Unique and Flaunt It: There are often cases where we’ve seen small to medium-sized companies attract great leaders from large corporations because these candidates are looking for a change. Generally, these candidates are looking for solid cultural fit, a family-friendly work environment, flexibility , and an opportunity to make a real impact. If your company offers one or more of these benefits, make sure you’re selling the candidate on these advantages.

Be Patient:  It takes time to find a diamond in the rough. This can’t be stressed enough. The thing that can help you out is reaching out to every nook and corner to find the right candidate. The larger your net, the broader your network, the more candidates you’ll bring in and better your odds of hiring success.

Established in the Dubai, Ecube Training has been successfully delivering leadership, management, negotiation skills and soft skills training programs to corporate. It’s training titles include the resilient leader, negotiation skills masterclass, situational leadership, time management, stress management, customer service and sales accelerator program and are conducted across the Middle East, Africa and India including Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait. Every training session is preceded by a training needs analysis and is followed by measurement of training results.

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