Home Uncategorized CREATIVE THINKING


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Situations which require creative thinking are often problems for which there is more than one solution. Creative thinking is a process of breaking down and streamlining our understanding about something in order to gain new insights. Creativity is the ability to go beyond the routine and obvious, and reject the traps of repetition. This was precisely the focus of the leadership program we @ecube conducted for one for the leading financial companies in the UAE.

As per Forbes “The important thing about coming up with any creative solution is that you have to do your homework. Researching what opportunities are available is the most important step in the process. Thinking outside the box and getting creative in finding solutions to business “challenges” can be vital for businesses.” The participants were eager to implement creative thinking methods at their work place and were high on enthusiasm.

Established in United Arab Emirates, Ecube has been successfully delivering leadership, management and softs skills training programs to corporate. Its training titles include situational leadership, time management, stress management, customer service and sales training across the Gulf including Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait. Every training session is preceded by a training needs analysis and is followed by measurement of training results.

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