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Barriers to Communication

by admin

Communication is a bridge between a person and a group of persons to establish an exchange of thoughts. The people will be more interested to lend ears to you and will form a good team only if the communication is good and empathetic. Communication takes places at three levels i.e., noticing with all senses at the physical level, understanding at the intelligence level and accepting at the emotional level, if anything hinders this process it is a barrier to the communication.

  • Physical barrier

The interior work space, design problem, network facilities and noise forbids the effective interaction between the team members.

  • Language barrier

Homograph and homophone fail the understanding between the receiver and the sender. One more barrier to languages is not being specific about what is to be delivered and usage of jargons.

  • Psychological barrier

The communications are highly influenced by the mental condition of a person, if a person is not involved with all his psychological attention then it is a massive reckless.

  • Cross Culture barrier

Each and every culture and community has a different set of values, business ethics and behavior. Culture influences people in different countries to prefer how the pieces of information have to be received.

  • Organizational barrier

The distorted messages passed from one level to another and the information gaps are the barriers within an organization.

 It is essential for an organization to recognize and overcome barriers to effective communication.

Established in the United Arab Emirates, Ecube has been successfully delivering leadership, management and soft skills training programs to corporate. It’s training titles include situational leadership, time management, stress management, customer service and sales training across the Gulf including Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait. Every training session is preceded by a training needs analysis and is followed by measurement of training results.

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